DELCELL introduces our new devices |
|  TAP 2 PAY P2 CARD MACHINE - R600. Does all card payments, airtime and VAS services. TAP/SWIPE/INSERT CARD. The machine has Profit+ which has airtime commission at 6%. It includes DSTV payments, betting, electricity, prepaid water as well as talk 360 international calling cards.
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Delcell is an Authorised dealer for all your Pre-Paid phone cards. Access to cellular communications has altered the way in which we live, do business and communicate with friends and family. Service providers include: - MTN
- Vodacom
- CellC
- Telkom Mobile
- Electricity
- DelAir All in One Vouchers
- Tap2Pay P2 Card machines including Profit+ that offers 6% on airtime
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